
One to One


This offering is only available to postpartum clients

If I am to join you for postpartum recovery, you may choose to have my support as your labor and birth companion as well.

Birth Doula Support Includes:

  • Private childbirth education

  • An individually-curated pregnancy and birth plan with referrals + resources

  • Unlimited email and text throughout pregnancy

  • On-call support from Weeks 38-42

  • Constant doula support from the onset of labor through the early hours postpartum.

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Postpartum Support begins immediately following the birth of your baby and sees you through the first 6-8 weeks.

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Food preparation

Warming Ayurvedic meals, snacks, teas and tonics to balance the excess air and space elements of the postpartum system, prepared fresh in your home kitchen from ingredients sourced organically, seasonally and locally. These are foods that ground the nervous system, increase digestive fire, build blood, nourish tissues, balance hormones, encourage an abundant milk supply, and replenish fluids and nutrients.

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Ayurvedic body oiling with reiki and aromatherapy

A classical practice for postpartum rejuvenation. Herbal oil is heated to a comfortable temperature and applied to the body in rhythmic, sequenced strokes. This practice drains lymphatic fluid, brings warmth and circulation to tissues and organs, tones tissues, balances hormones and neurotransmitters, calms the nervous system, reduces pain and inflammation, promotes healthy elimination, supports restorative sleep and balances emotions. Above all other benefits, this treatment deeply honors new parents through loving touch.

Herbal Sitz Baths

Short, frequent herbal sitz baths bring circulation to the perineal tissues as they heal in the early weeks postpartum. Herbs soothe inflammation and decrease discomfort while the warmth of the tea soak brings blood flow to the area to speed tissue healing.

Postpartum wrapping

A traditional practice of indigenous midwives and birth attendants all over the world. Daily wrapping provides gentle uterine stimulation as a woman breathes or moves, which encourages the uterus to contract back to its’ pre-pregnant state. A proper, full-length wrap starts below the tailbone and rises all the way up to the sternum, supporting the core, protecting the back, and ensuring good posture to prevent head, neck and shoulder tension common for breastfeeding parents.

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Transitional Support for parent+Baby


For families choosing to breastfeed, preparation begins prenatally with a focus on optimal conditions for initiating breastfeeding over the first few days postpartum. From there, the work is to support mother and baby to stay together in the early postpartum time, latching often and practicing at your own pace with the help of your doula. Establishing strong foundations from the beginning helps encourage milk to come in and flow in abundance. Fine-tuning baby’s latch early can prevent pain, tissue damage, low supply, or low weight gain down the line. We cover various positions for breastfeeding to find what’s most comfortable and efficient for you and baby, and further along we cover beginning pumping for milk storage, introducing a bottle and managing milk supply. Herbal teas and nourishing foods that build and condition breast milk are provided during our time together.

Learning to care for a newborn

In our time together, you’ll be establishing the early rhythms of your daily family life with a new baby. I’m here to offer real-time support and instruction as you learn your baby’s cycles and find your way in meeting their basic needs for feeding, sleeping, bathing, changing, dressing, and early activity. Together we will craft morning, night and family table routines for baby that hold special significance and may become some of your earliest family traditions.

Baby body oiling + Marma therapy

Massaging our babies daily helps them thrive. This is one of the most magical ways to bond with baby, as loving touch releases the “love hormone” oxytocin in both the child receiving massage and the parent practicing it. Young children are very responsive to the stimulation of acupressure points, called Marma Points in Ayurvedic practice, when massaged regularly. This is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial practices to integrate into daily life with your baby.

The Family Flow

As we progress into the later stages of the postpartum transition, we begin to integrate the rhythms of newborn care into daily home and work life. Together we may navigate outings or prepare for your first travels with baby. Throughout Baby’s First Year, you’ll have access to workshops and content for ongoing transitions for both parent and baby.

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